Related nodes
Xfile (EX9.Geometry load)
ColladaFile (EX9.Geometry)
Scene (Assimp)
Loading Meshes
vvvv can natively load meshes exported from 3D Modelling Software (like Blender, Maya, Cinema4D) in the XFile (.x) or Collada (.dae) formats. Skeletons, Animations, Cameras are also available in the Collada format.
Via the Assimp category of nodes a large list of 3d-formats can be imported alternatively.
The Assimp-nodes are contributed by vux and are coming with the addonpack.
Examples in your vvvv\girlpower\ directory:
- Graphics\DX9\Geometry
See also:
Related nodes
Mesh (EX9.Geometry Join)
Mesh (EX9.Geometry Split)
VertexBuffer (EX9.Geometry Join)
VertexBuffer (EX9.Geometry Split)
Normals (EX9.Geometry Mesh)
MeshEditor (EX9)
GridEditor (EX9)
PickPoints (3d Vector)
Dynamic Meshes
You can use the basic built-in geometries from the 'EX9.Geometry' category as a starting point and then manipulate / add / remove vertices and indices or create everything from scratch.
A Mesh is a data container with two distinct parts: IndexBuffer and VertexBuffer
- the IndexBuffer is a list of integer number triplets where each triplet defines a triangle of the Mesh and each integer number referes to a vertex in the VertexBuffer.
- the VertexBuffer is a list of all vertices in the Mesh.
A Vertex is a container itself for data like position, orientation (normal), texture coordinates and so on. But vertex is also often used as a synonym for a 3d position, as the position data is the most important part of it, because with it the shape of the Mesh is defined.
Examples in your vvvv\girlpower\ directory:
- Graphics\DX9\Geometry
See also: