change log - vvvv50beta35
released on 20 12 16
create dynamic plugins using VL: Dynamic VL Plugin Reference
no longer runs on WinXP since now requires .net 4.6, see: .net-4.6-upgrade-in-alpha-builds
- AudioRecordSelector and AudioMixer were therefore removed
added MS VisualStudio Redistributable 2015 to setup.exe
boygrouping: fix for clients sometimes not finding addons
performance improvement for Raw nodes, see raw-performance-speedup
upgraded HTML texture node to CEF 3.2840.1513.gf7effc7 (Chromium 54.0.2840.59) htmltexture-update-to-chromium-54
Stencil Buffer support in EX9: check girlpower/Graphics/DX9/Shader/StencilBufferDemo.v4p
improved NodeBrowser tag search: now only finds tags starting with capital letter
show internal nodes in nodebrowser by typing "i "
fixed a case where CTRL+G failed
patches marked as readonly now show an error when you try to save them
nodes now indicate evaluation via textcolor
locked patches now cannot be scrolled
increased default size for c# editor
values, colors (..) can flow over node pins: mixed-data-over-that-same-ol-pin
enums now less picky. enum iobox now works if only connected on input pin.
in case a IOBox (Raw) was too small it didn't show anything.
fixed dynamic plugins not being recompiled when copied to another computer (
fixed Reload bar not showing up in C# editor when external editor (like VS) was using a rename to save the file.
fixed nodes
fixed cloning/copying of certain spread types in generic nodes like Buffer/Queue/QueueStore/RingBuffer (
XFile node will optimize the created mesh now. Same as done by Collada node (
fixed crash when scrolling the HTMLTexture node
fixed zoom level in HTMLTexture node (
each new mouse generated by the MouseStates (Mouse Join) node reported its notifications only to the first subscriber (
Resample (Spreads) has its Mirror mode fixed
Resample (3d Vector) and Resample (Color) have been cleaned up
Separate (String) fixed Ignore Beetween for all quotes
RegEx (String) fix for using round open brackets in expression
Length (String) fixed a bug when it was not evaluated in the first frame
Ord2Enum (Enumerations) now clamps input to not overflow
Entry2String (Enumerations) now updates correctly when an enum changes
Damper (Animation Jump): fix for initialization
Timeliner (Animation) sometimes did not save correctly
Grow (2d) now proper spreadable
WindowLists (Window) has its TopMostHandle output fixed
FrameDifference (Animation). fix. now starting with 0 for the first frame
Random (Value). fix for
fix for
changed nodes
added "Position in PixelXY" and "Client AreaXY" outputs to Mouse (Devices Desktop), Mouse (Devices Window) and MouseState (Mouse Split) nodes
Leap (Devices) completely reworked
Renderer (HTML Url) and Renderer (HTML String) now use IE11
Renderer (EX9): DepthBuffer D24S8 format to enable the Stencil Buffer
Writer (EX9.Texture) can now save volumetextures
Processors (System) now async
IRC (Network Open): added Password and Channel Password
UDP (Server) and UDP (Server String) now have a Status output that will tell you if the port fails to open
IOBox Tooltips now show Tags
String IOBoxes that have an Open button can now be ALT-clicked to open the file in Explorer
IOBox (Bang/Press) now don't add to UNDO anymore
DrawVertexID (EX9) is now PointID (DX9 2d/3d)
new nodes
vastly improved support for Arduino/Firmata, see: arduino-second-service
new EditingFramework, see: introducing-the-editing-framework which brings vastly improved:
- PointEditor
- BezierEditor
- BezierPatchEditor
- MeshEditor
- Camera (2d, 3d)
TUIO now with send and receive nodes, see: how-tuio-do
easy Spout (DX9 Sender/Receiver) modules, see Spout
easy GIF Rekorder (Windows), see introducing-the-rekorder
ArtNet (Network Sender/Receiver) now with Net, SubNet and Universe and can be used on any UDP port
Eyetracker (Devices TheEyeTribe) including calibration mode
CircularSpread (Spreads 2d): Generates a circle in 2d space
SpiralSpread (Spreads 2d): Generates a star in 2d space
StarSpread (Spreads 2d): Generates a star in 2d space
RectangleSpread (Spreads): Generates a rectangle in 2d space
GridSpread (Spreads 2d/3d): Generates a grid in 2d/3d space
HexGridSpread (Spreads 2d): Generates a hexagonal grid of positions in 2d space
RandomSpread (Spreads 2d/3d): Generates a random point cloud in 2d/3d space
Distinct (String): Returns a spread stripped of duplicates
Except (String): Returns a spread containing slices from Input 1 except slices from Input 2
Intersect (String): Returns all distinct elements that are found in both of the Input spreads.
Wanderer (Animation 2d/3d: Simulates an easily parameterized random walk
Resample (2d Vector)
ArcLength (2d/3d): Lets a curve, specified by a spread of vectors, be sampled at arbitrary positions
Grow (2d NonUniform): Extrudes a polygon by a given factor nonuniformly for X and Y
Undo (Value, 2d, 3d, String, Color)
MJpegStream (EX9.Texture Sender/Receiver)
ProjectedTexture (EX9.Effects)
ConstantVC (EX9.Effect): Constant effect that takes VertexColor into account
Point (DX9 2d/3d)
Triangle (DX9 2d/3d): Renders a triangle in the DX9 window
Triangle (EX9.Geometry 2d/3d)
BezierPatch (EX9.Geometry 2d/3d)
ViewCone (EX9)
Select (Transform)
Homography (Transform 2d Quad) assumes the input points are a quad centered at the origin, very fast
Reader/Writer (Transform ViewProjection)
NodeInfos (VVVV): Returns a list of all authors and search paths
SetExposedPin (VVVV): Allows writing data directly to exposed pins
UpdateView (VVVV): Allows to disable the vvvv UI to squeeze out some more performance
Clock (VVVV) let's you implement your notion of time. All time based animation nodes will react to that.
ADSR (Animation FrameBased/TimeBased) advanced envelopment curves with proper behavior of the enabled input
Select (2d/3d/4d) performance optimized select nodes for vectors, use instead of Select (Value Vector)
Gesture (Devices Window): returns windows gesture events zoom-pan-rotate-touchgestures
- Pan-, Zoom-, Rotate-, TwoFingerTap- & PressAndTapState (Gesture Split)
- Pan-, Zoom-, Rotate-, TwoFingerTap- & PressAndTapEvents (Gesture Split)
Stencil (EX9.Renderstate): set stencil state for ex9 objects
plugin interface
- NuGet packages now usable in AnyCPU build configurations
- added support for byte/sbyte/char types to plugin interface
- fixed enum index reporting wrong value after being updated (
- fixed a sync issue in output stream implementations between unmanaged backing store and managed length property
- whether or not a bin size pin gets created by the plugin hosting layer can now be controlled through the new PinAttribute.BinSizeWrapCount property. By default bin size pins will be created for each dimension.
- added possibility to allow override of plugin in- and output properties (
- fixed ordering of bin size pins when used in pin groups.
- IHDEHost.EnumChanged: listen to changes of any enum
- you now can accept any data on your input and check for values, colors (..) dynamically: mixed-data-over-that-same-ol-pin
- implement ITimeProvider to provide a low latency clock that implements your notion of time: go-back-in-time-now