Related nodes
UDP (Network Client)
UDP (Network Server)
TCP (Network Client)
TCP (Network Server)
Tokenizer (Raw FixedLength)
Tokenizer (Raw LengthPrefix)
Tokenizer (Raw Postfix)
Tokenizer (Raw Frame)
PrefixLength (Raw)
PostfixBytes (Raw)
FrameBytes (Raw)
The main difference between the UDP and TCP protocols is the fact that while UDP transmits faster, it does not guarantee all data to arrive. TCP tends to be a bit slower but it does guarantee the arrival of all data sent. Therefore UDP is generally used for streams of data where it does not matter if a single data is missing whereas TCP is used when every single data sent needs to arrive on the other side. Also UDP allows you to send broadcasts to a range of listeners. This can easily be done by using a broadcast IP like x.y.z.255 (where x.y.z is your subnet, like e.g. 192.168.0) for the Remote Host.
Note that choosing TCP requires you to take care of message framing for which vvvv offers the Tokenizer nodes.
More infos in your vvvv\girlpower\ directory:
- IO\Networking