Specifying colors
RGB color model
HSL and HSV representation
Related nodes
Specifiyng Colors
RGB (Color Join)
RGB (Color Join Picker)
RGB (Color Join Vector)
HSV (Color Join)
HSV (Color Join Picker)
HSL (Color Join)
AsColor (String Hex)
Splitting into components
RGB (Color Split)
RGB (Color Split Vector)
HSL (Color Split)
HSV (Color Split)
Colors in vvvv are represented by 4 color components in a range 0..1:
- R for Red
- G for Green
- B for Blue
- A for Alpha (defines transparency)
There is also another way to represent a color in RGB space, which is typically more intuitive to adjust:
- HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness)
- HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) aka HSB.
The IOBox (Color) uses the HSV representation by default, see Color IOBoxes.
Note, other software packages can specify individual components in another ranges:
- RGB: 0..255 for the Color channels and 0..100% for the Alpha
- HSL: 0..360° for the Hue and 0..100% for the Saturation and Lightness.
Don't forget to convert the values to the 0..1 range.
There are convenient RGB (Color Join Picker), HSV (Color Join Picker)and AsColor (String Hex) for helping. Or just type the expression like 270/360 into the IOBox to convert 207° of Hue into 0..1 range.