When dealing with audio in vvvv you have to choose between the nodes in the categories listed to the right.
All worlds have their advantages and drawbacks and they don’t interoperate.
Frankly speaking, vvvv is not focused on audio processing. For maximum flexibility in handling sound you'd probably want to get dirty with Pure Data.
- DShow9: Native audio processing nodes in the DShow9 category are based on DirectShow.
- VAudio: The VVVV.Audio pack gives the most flexible and transparent routing options along with strong VST and ASIO driver support.
- Bass: Nodes of this category are based on the Bass audio library. The Bass nodes are contributed by vux and are coming with the addonpack.
- irrKlang: vvvv support of the irrKlang 2d/3d sound library. The Irrklang node is contributed by sanch and is coming with the addonpack.