Conventions Node and Pin Naming
When writing a new node and you are not sure about naming come here and find a solution.
All terms (names, categories, versions) (except pin names, see below) are written in CamelCaps
NodeName (Category OptionalVersion1 OptionalVersion2 .. )
Rules for choosing a name
nodenames must be a single word without spaces
if you are mainly encapsulating a function of a library it may make sense to stick to that name. for all the dx-nodes we tried to stay close to the dx-sdk for example, so that people who know dx (or your library) easily find their way in vvvv.
make it a general associative term. if your node does something strange like the "Stallone" node feel free to choose your own association.
as with the Trautner, Delauny and Gouraud nodes... name a node by the inventor of the technique implemented
Rules for choosing a Category
- a category is mandatory
- it starts with a capital letter
- it must only be a single word
- prefer to use one of the existing categories over inventing a new one.
Rules for choosing optional Versions
- for most nodes leaving this blank is the best option
- do not use this version to indicate a specific version (as in "revision") of that particular node.
- only use this to distinguish two nodes that do basically the same but only can be set apart by a subtle detail (see the many IO nodes in the "devices" category for examples)
- in the rare case where you need to specify multiple versions, separate them by space.
Rules for choosing optional Tags
read About Tags
- pin names start with capital letter
- instead of using CamelCaps separate the words here, like: "Transform Mesh" instead of "TransformMesh"
- keep names generic. If they have no special meaning name them: Input, Output (this helps vvvv to automatically reconnect pins when exchanging similar nodes)
- make use of the AutoName (VVVV DescriptiveName)-module to stick really to the conventions.
Configuration Pins:
Configuration pins are primarily pins that must not be changed programmatically in a running patch (e.g. since they would add/remove pins on their nodes)
Input Pins with Subtype Bang
Try to use one of the following:
- Apply (instead of: DoIt, ...)
- Update (instead of: Refresh, Reassign..)
- Read
- Write
- Copy
- Move
- Reset
Don't use names like "Do Read", an imperative "Read" is enough.