Renderer to Google Cardboard
Author: | sapo |
Date: | 27 Feb, 2015 |
Category: | misc |
Credits: | wich makes a nice free app+server combo that streams your desktop to an android device. Mr. Vux for the DX11 pack |
Description makes a nice free app+server combo that streams your desktop to an android device, it 's enjoyable and with an acceptable lag for a soo cheap VR setup. I belive it can be used with many Others VR headsets wich load an andoriod inside. Here are a DX9 and DX11 patches i made to test it out. Start the apps on the pc and the phone, connect them via WIFI or USB tethering, maximize the stereoscopic renderer, hide borders and enjoy vvvv depthnesss;)
Update: Added a version with headtracking support thru HyperIMU. For a low latency video stream you can use (Requires you have gamestream capable NVIDIA card).
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Good stuff man :D thanks
Coollllll, gonna try it soon, thanks :D
Does it work only on Android?
hi vasilis, yes, but with some alternative software to Hyperimu and Intugame on other platforms you'll just need to readapt the headtracking communication part. Btw Intugame has a iOS app the GYROSC should do the hyperimu job with some adjustment in the patch, in the end you need to get the orientation quaternion as with hyperimu. lemme know if you get it working with other plaforms!
OK. When I will tried it I will let you know how did it go.
Btw do you have any suggestions for VR headsets that are compatible with almost all smartphones? The cheapest is google cardboard but I was looking for something more compact...not cardboard.
Yea let me know, i don't have any suggestion about models, i built my own by cutting cardboards... but i'v seen plenty DIY 3dprintable models, check thingverse website. Good luck
wow - didn't know that streaming to mobile phones works so good, not perfect but good :) thanks for this hint - cool contribute Moonlight (formerly known as Limelight) is an open source implementation of NVIDIA's GameStream protocol.
Hey sapo is there a way I can contact you? your skype name gets me 5-6 users so I don't know which one is yours..
Hi vasilis, yea look for ilsapo, the one with the smiling dog.
sounds fun, thanks, going to try it soon.
Hey there, I am trying to stream a webcam image using this CardBoard setup, so far I have no luck simply connecting VideoIn to this, can anybody help me? Thanks.
Anybody knows what is the app that show the content ob the cardboard?