Change Log - vvvv50beta39
released on 18 11 19
- simplified installation via Installer
- renamed setup.exe to config.exe (running it is only required if installer was not used)
- now requires .NET 4.7.2
- new documents are by default now saved to User\Documents\vvvv\beta(-preview)\Sketches
- "Recent Patches" is a new entry in the main menu
- vvvv.exe, config.exe as well as new installer are signed now
- vvvv beta and gamma follow the same version format for example "vvvv beta 39" or "vvvv gamma 2019.1"
new nodes
- Rabbit (RCP), Stick (RCP), Carrot (RCP) for support of RabbitControl
- WebSocket (Network Client)
- Euler (Get) get euler angles from a quaternion
- Euler (Get Vector) get euler angles as vector from a quaternion
fixed nodes
- MP3Parser node can now cope with unicode infos