Change Log - vvvv50beta38.1
released on 13 12 18
- pressing ALT+CTRL+rightclick on a node that also has a window, now resets the windows position to the mouse cursor position
- fixed json arrays not being converted from b37 to b38
- fixed regression that pin editors and resetting of pins didn't work anymore
- fixed regression that default values on pins didn't work when interacting with them
- RegisterServices methods can also be written in C# now. Moved registration of VL.CoreLib serializers into it.
- Static entry points (which register serializers) will be called on startup before any UI loads
- fixed race condition in IVLFactory implementation (caused random null pointer when serializing)
- fixed fallback editor being used for a short time when creating a new pad
- fixed bug in CLR type importer not being able to map generic CLR types to VL types
- fixed non-primitive default values not being emitted
- fixed handling of null as a default value for a parameter
- fixed crash when implementing interface in patch
- added the type to deserialize to the ISerializer interface so we don't have to rely on a default value being present
- fixed candidate lookup for anonymous types when hot swapping a delegate
changed nodes
- Executor: now has "Working Directory" input
new nodes
- added swizzle nodes
- added Radix node