Change Log - vvvv50beta37
released on 5th September 2018
- Much smaller download size
- VL editor window is shown in task bar
- Better startup time
- improved document management: drop vl files onto vvvv patches or hit Ctrl-O to open them
- added a "Show VL" command in main menu
- setup.exe disables Win10 fullscreen optimizations by default
- Fixed null pointer exception in texture marshaling code
- Added MouseLostNotification so mouse states nodes can reset their state - see
- Fixed regression mouse/keyboard state split nodes not working - see
- resetting color pins works again
- richer tooltips for node pins
new nodes
- HTMLTexture now for both DX11 and DX9
- AsImage (DX11.Texture2D) to move a dx11-texture over to vl-image land
- Processes (Windows Async)
fixed nodes
- Tokenizers now handle irregular input correctly
- Camera (Orbit) hast damping again
- Fixed division by zero in Text [EX9] node when fed with nil
- AsImage node will turn red in case it can't handle the incoming texture instead of just logging to tty
- Disabled context menu in HTML texture
- fixed small issues on CreateEnum (no multiline string, rare cyclic patch involving this node now works)
- Ex9 renderer with clear turned off: when re-enabling the renderer we now don't clear it
- big CoreLib Cleanup
- introducing keywords "Experimental", "Advanced", "Obsolete"
- "Internal" to hide nodes
- Adaptive nodes now can spread into different categories
- many NodeBrowser refinements
- Tooltip and Nodebrowser not always on top
- Improved File IO
- Patch Your Own MainLoops
- Better serialization
- Groups and Categories
- groups now can be placed everywhere
- Frames
- Fix for undo/redo where sometimes the wrong patch got tackled
- note: a name change of a type, group or category is always covered by the undo history of this element. For undo you need to navigate into it.
- Better exception reporting
- improved document management:
- Close a document via Ctrl-F4
- Ctrl-W closes a tab. Hiding last tab hides window
- Drag dropping VL documents now simply opens the document as this is 99% of time what you want
- added scrollbar for enum dropdowns
- fixed glitches for enum dropdowns
- less verbose warning for mutable links (now only visualized with a yellow sock at the end of a link)
- IOBoxes cannot be interacted with anymore if only used for display
- SolutionExplorer navigates to open patch when opened
- Cache region can optionally dispose cached objects when creating new ones
- added many help texts to nodes
- dynamic enum for installed system fonts
- color editor remembers hue and saturation while changing value with mouse
- Destroy operation is now called Dispose as in .NET
- tooltip now uses custom ToString method (if defined) to display values
- In case hot swap fails the exception will be logged and the runtime will be put into the stopped mode so user can act upon error accordingly
- Rewrote how incremental compilation works and how model gets synchronized to symbols
- Compiling should be quicker now
- Fixes issues like "Object is no subtype of Object" when patching in document referenced by others
- Fixed that the UI wasn't always in sync with current compilation
- Enabled pin groups on process nodes
- Do not generate unique names anymore when pasting elements
- Added support for multi dimensional arrays
- Destroy is now called Dispose and user has to implement IDisposable interface on patch explicitly
- Added non-generic ISpread and ISpreadBuilder interfaces
- Added IVLObject interface which gives access to the VL runtime graph in a nice dynamic fashion
- Added IVLTypeInfo and IVLPropertyInfo in order to be able to reflect on VL object graph
- Added IVLFactory interface which gets passed in to new static RegisterServices entry points
- In case a VL document defines a non-generic RegisterServices operation it will be called once after each re-compile. For many documents they will be called in reverse topological order
- Virtual methods of the Object class can now be overriden (ToString, Equals, GetHashCode)
- Whether emitted VL types behave in an immutable fashion is now decided by an internal flag -> process nodes can be mutable as long as the surrounding context is
- Loops will now re-use the output spreads and only create new ones if the data actually changes
- Hot swapper will now traverse deep into the VL graph in order to figure out whether or not a swap is needed
- Removed restriction for apply pin lifting that first pins must be named Input and Output
- Documents can now be reloaded from disk
- Color editor remembers hue and saturation while dragging
- Redo now also works with CTRL+Y shortcut
- Splash screen for first long VL compile
- library developers can use the "lib-native" pattern early on. freeing them from the need of creating a package before they even start working on the library
- IOBoxes have much less annoying tooltip
new nodes
- Spread generator nodes (LinearSpread,...) are now Processes with their stateless companions (CreateLinearSpread,...) being marked as advanced
- HoldLatestError (Reactive)
- MultimediaTimer and BusyWaitTimer see vl-patch-your-own-mainloops
- MidiClock in/out
- MidiMonitor to debug midi messages
- MidiPlayer to play back midi files
- Rectangle creators with anchor point
- Scale and Inflate to modify rectangles in each direction
- RotateBetween to rotate objects from one direction to another direction
- AlignBetween to align objects between two points
- TryDispose to safely dispose objects and collections
- Four new experimental nodes called TryGetValue, TryGetValueByPath, WithValue and WithValueByPath which allow you to modify VL instances in a rather dynamic fasion
- FromImage [Bitmap]
- Imported all mutable .NET collections like List, Dictionary, HashSet...
fixed nodes
- Filename (Split) has now string as first output to be opposite of Filename (Join)
- MidiOut closes device properly
- Filter (Animation) has a "Reset" pin
- OnOpen has a "Simulate" pin
- Fixed AsyncLoop stopping when patching outside of it
changed nodes
- Serial port sender and datagram sender nodes will now turn pink if they catch exceptions on background thread
bug fixes
- Fixed region choice not showing up on directly imported nodes
- Fixed default values not being copied to pin group pins
- Fixed not being able to get rid of red apply pin
- Fixed invalid target code when passing struct to method expecting an interfaces - boxing was missing
- Fixed dead lock when debugging with Visual Studio 2017
- Fixed issue where ForEach region was broken after Copy&Paste
- Border control points outside of regions will now show proper error message and will be rendered by UI
- Fixed Ctrl+Plus adding pins on nodes where lifting is not even supported - see
- Fixed image copying functions to take scan size into account
- Fixed super expensive equality check of Path
- Fixed broken links when moving a selection into operation definition
- Fixed stack overflow when creating and using a custom operation called "With" on a class or record
- In case hot swap crashes for a particular field create the whole value anew
- Fixed pin value of optional apply pins on process nodes not working
- Fixed issue in converter of old VL patches that Break or Keep pins inside loops didn't show up anymore
- Fixed custom value indicator not working on first pin in case by-pass lifting was applied
- Fixed some settings not being reloaded when saving settings file
- Fixed crash when installing a package while vvvv/VL is running
- Fixed performance issue in compiler when opening patches with many links
- Fixed performance bottleneck in UI code when looking at patches with many links and subpatches
- Fixed a dead lock when loading VL documents
- Fixed a crash in "Code" window