Change Log - vvvv50beta35.5
released on 19 04 16
- layout changes don't lead to a changed patch file anymore.
- enums: get notified again whenever an entry is not available.
- improved error-logging in case a ~temp file is written
- cloning vl Template (Value Stateless) now works correctly
- improvements and additions for the EditingFramework
- s/r channels sorted in pop up
- r nodes don't forget last sender when sender got deleted
new nodes
- HTTPGet (Network) replacing now legacy HTTP (Network Get)
- HTTPPost (Network) replacing now legacy HTTP (Network Post)
- Reader (2d BezierSpline)
- Reader (3d BezierSpline)
- Writer (2d BezierSpline)
- Writer (3d BezierSpline)
fixed nodes
- S+H (Transform) spreading now works correctly
- MidiTrack (Midi) performance improvements and fixes for files including sysex messages
- performance improvements for TUIO nodes
- fixed AreEqual (Test Value) not testing the slice count (link was missing)
- fixed evaluation order of Writer (Raw), Mover (File) and Copier (File)
- [node:Select](TODO INTERNALLINK:node:Select) & [node:SetSpread](TODO INTERNALLINK:node:SetSpread) in pretty much all versions now can deal with an empty spread at Select
- Technique on EX9 effects: not red when null
plugin interface
- fixed default connection handler always returning true (introduced in b35) + other refinements.
- fixed crash in CyclicStreamReader - []
- added implementations for IStream.CopyTo methods used by S+H (Raw) - fixes S+H (Raw) not working on upstream native nodes
- fixed the generic SetSlice plugin - []
- fix on registering GUIDs. added IPluginHost.RegisterType to be able to properly register each GUID with name
- builtin pins register themselves in a way, so that you can cast the object returned from GetUpStreamInterface to IValueData(..). By that you can write a custom connection handler that interacts with builtin pins.
- auto backups are now stored in Documents\VL
- added menu entry to open auto backups folder
- tabs of active document now visually distinguishable from others
- prev/next navigation now includes operations in a patch
- added "Reset To Defaults" for settings
- tooltip in NodeBrowser now shows more infos
- added hint-tooltips for certain ui elements
- IOBox now rasters to stepsize (same behavior as in vvvv)
- fixed problem with elements in document-patch not aligning on CTRL+L
- added 'open' button to IOBox (Path)
- dependency menu now shows loaded vs. referenced nuget versions
- better adaptive node errors
- fixed "Surround With .." for when other nodes with that name are in scope.
- fixed some crashes involved in creating a new vl document, saving it
new nodes
- new category XML for all your xml/json needs
- new reactive nodes for async/concurrent event handling
- new midi nodes for event based midi processing
- Contains (Spread) checks whether an element is in the spread
- IfAnyChanged regions in Lib.Experimental, calculates and caches a result if any input value has changed
- HardwareChanged/Added/Removed nodes to get notified when the device configuration changes
- assigning pin to another operation keeps type annotation and default value
- performance improvements for OSC nodes
- fixed generated target code for if region with output connected to exact one upstream pin
- fields which somehow made it into a stateless context will now also be removed when synchronizing the model with the symbols (Ctrl+E)
- fixed pasting of pins from or to sub patches - []
- newly created regions will not auto sort their pins anymore
- fixed linking into process regions showing error on link that upstream hub is not on same moment as downstream hub
- moving pins in a delegate will trigger recompile
- VL now has dynamic enumerations, i.e. for device driver selections