change log - vvvv45beta32.1
released on 12 06 14
- fix on client side treatment of half boygrouped modules
- fixed mainloop settings for thread timer mainloop-works-differently-in-beta32
- fixed middle-click-on-pins-not-always-working
- fixed middle-click-to-create-iobox-no-longer-brings-up-the-iobox-options-menu-when-starting-the-conn
- fixed glitches-in-node-browser
- fixed Ctrl+G issue introduced in b32
fixed nodes
- FileTexture (EX9.Texture) works with pipet again
- Icon (Windows) working on win8 now
- IRC (Network Open) can send channelmessages again
- the Index pin of the Keyboard and Mouse (Devices Desktop) nodes is now set to -1 by default, which merges all available devices into one
- fixed Player (EX9.Texture) when new texture format pin was set to "No Specific" and format of input file wasn't supported on graphics card - see player-(ex9.texture)-glitches-images-in-beta32
new nodes
- PointEditor (3D Boygrouped Persistent) added - replaces sandwich
- GridEditor (EX9 Boygrouped) added - replaces sandwich
plugin interfaces
- fixed IDiffSpread.IsChanged inconsistency between b31.2 and b32 - see inconsistent-behaviour-between-ischanged-in-v1-and-v2-pins
- fixed asstring-(object)-and-or-getslice(node)-issue-with-xelement-in-beta32-x86-x64