change log - vvvv45beta27.2
released on 08 05 12
- when using modules as QuickNodes they no longer show their patch
- DoQuit (VVVV) can now take an ExitCode which vvvv returns on the commandline
- fixed: patch-xml-attributes-rearranged which will come handy for version-controlling patches
- re-introduced codecompletion for .fx (can still be removed by deleting \lib\hlsl.fnr)
- NodeBrowser
- fixed redraw-errors in categoryview and modules drag-dropped on a patch no longer open as patch
- when opened in standalone mode (ctrl+n) it only showed 20 lines
- fixed some pin-connection-troubles that allowed double-links or failed to disconnect links in some cases
- fixed nodelist.xml: native nodes were missing in 27.1
- renaming an iobox shouldn't mess up links in other patches anylonger.
- small debug mode fix: /forum-alpha/a27.2-debug-mode-bug
- bug fixes in the core concerning the information if a pin has changed.
fixed nodes
- Sort (String) bug as reported here: sort-(string)-outputs-only-text
- VertexBuffer (Join) bug as reported here: vertex-buffer-bug-or-not-bug
- GetSlice returned not empty output bin size when fed with nil. See posible-bug-in-getslice
- Timeliner (Animation) now imports midi-files correctly and saves keyframes moved via states, as reported here: timeliner-saving-issues
- Renderer (GDI) validates its view-matrix correctly again
- Styx (Windows) node didn't clean up properly after being destroyed
- AsString (SVG) outputs the strings according to the input slices now