Change Log - vvvv33beta14
released on 24 12 07
- now shipping with new opencv1.0 dlls. recompiled freeframes that depend on opencv
- little improvement to nasty IO bug: ioboxes now repaint for sure on mouseover
changed nodes
- WavePlayer (DShow9): reduced delay on play and improved pin defaults
- IP (Network): now returns adapter infos for all network adapters
- IO (Devices BMC meM-PIO): devices now can be addressed by their serial number
- Trautner (FreeFrame DShow9): added pin "Dark Background" which allows to adchieve much better results with bright backgrounds
fixed nodes
Intersect nodes don't throw an exception every frame
Counter (Animation): behaves well with min=max now
GetPatch (VVVV), SetPatch (VVVV): bug fix for use with PatchAlias (VVVV ActivePatch)
GetSpread (Spreads) now works in subpatches and no longer freezes randomly
CountIndices (Spreads) now copes with empty set on 'Count' input
SevenSegment (Spreads) now works in subpatches
RingBuffer (Spreads) some bug fixed
Decay (Animation) now works also in increment time mode
Mod (Value) no longer has rounding errors
ShellExecute (Windows) keeps filename after restart when they were in same directory as the patch
FileStream (DShow9) keeps filename after restart when they were in same directory as the patch
Http(Network Post) now validates all its inputs correctly
new nodes
- BeatTracker (DShow9): guess what
- GaussJordan (Value): linear equation system solver
- Homography (Transform 2d): calculate a 2d-distortion matrix defined by 4 given 2d-points
- DMX (Devices Sunlite SLESA): support for the dmx-output devices based on the 'dashard2006.dll'
- Sift (Value): finds first, last or all occurences in a spread
- Undistort (DShow9 OpenCV): encapsulates openCVs to correct lens distortions. + pixelshadercode to undistort on gpu.
- MIDISysexOut (Devices): allows VVVV to send MIDI sysex commands. This allows for example sending MIDI Show Control commands to communicate with Light Desks like the WholeHog
- Traverse (Graph SearchFromTo NewWheel): Searches an arbitrary graph for pathes from one node to another. It was originally implemented for a project called coverbox in 2000.To that time Sebastian Gregor (me) decided to not look at the literature and reinvented the wheel, so that's why you find more curious options here and few of those you would expect.
- Checksum (String) calculates CRC checksums for given strings
- QRCodeTexture (EX9.Texture) generates a qr-code-texture for a given string.
- Processes (Windows) Lists certain properties of running processes.
- Kill (Windows) kills running processes.