addons change log 45beta29-01
released on 24 12 12
new plugins
- Kinect Face tracker Node
fixed plugins
- Irrklang now plays samples by bang. Acts more than a sampleplayer than a Filestream
- Irrklang now plays mp3 and flac files
- Irrklang renamed to Filestream (Irrklang)
- MinimumAreaRect (2d OpenCV) stops to spit lot of debug messages in TTY
- FFT (Bass) was red if file was invalid
- FFT and ChannelData (Bass) were throwing error on unload
- Mixer (Bass) error fix on invalid file.
- EyesWeb Nodes fix on empty string
- Kinect Nodes Fixes to work on dx9ex
- Kinect Nodes now use 1.6 version of the SDK
- Eyeweb decoder had little bug on empty string.
- FullscreenQuad (DX9) - blend modes fixed, and now using shader technique input instead of CreateEnum
- DepthToWorld (EX9.Texture Filter) - world space reconstruction from INTZ depth
- TextureFX got a bunch of helppatches (along with various small bugfixes) - check the list>