addons change log 45beta28-01
released on 14 08 12
Fixed Nodes
- Advanced Sequencer has new option to keep buffer position once we stop recording.
- TodoMap current variable can be selected from main node (so learning can also be done through patch).
- TodoMap gui updates when we switch learn mode.
- SphericalSpreads spreaded had varying inital positions read>
- Reader (File Advanced) index was not working when reading characterwise read>
- Map (Value Interval Advanced) bin size was inconsisten over pins and 0 caused freeze
- TimerFlop Reset pin now spreadable read>
- Bounds (Spectral Vector) was misbehaving on binsize 0 read>
- lots of fixes on various TextureFX modules
Changed Nodes
- TimerFlop: Time defaults to 1, new output Running indicating percentage until it switches the output to 1
- Text EX9.Texture: adapted to new interface, should be faster when spreaded
- DeCons now deprecated and (automatically) replaced by native Unzip node (Bin Versions)
- Vector Size nodes( ... (... Advanced)) completely rewritten:
- changed Version postfix from Advanced to Vector
- Vector pin not hidden anylonger
- using IStream interface: a little slower on static input with low slice count, but much faster on higher slicecounts and changing input than before
- helper class is generic - resulted in some new nodes in other categories along the way
New Nodes
TodoMap has node to delete a mapping on selected variable.
TodoMap node to retrieve mapping info on selected variable.
Typewriter (String)
CAR (... Bin)
CDR (... Bin)
Reverse (... Bin)
Shift (... Bin)
Mean, MeanSquare, RootMeanSquare, GeometricMean & HarmonicMean in Vector Versions
Bump, BlurRadial3D, Growth, Preview, RenderTargetFisheye, TransformTexture (details in helppatches)
CrossToCube, CubeToCross, CubeToPano and PanoToCube - modules for converting cubemap textures (check their helppatches to see why you need cubemaps)
many new TextureFX modules added by lecloneur